Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Hermes Exhibtion - Saatchi Gallery

A few days ago I was lucky enough to get to go to the Hermes exhibition at the Saatchi Gallery (part of the Festival des Metiers) with my friend Xiwen which was just fantastic.

That's something I absolutely love about living in London - just being able to pop over and see and exhibition. When living on the Isle of Wight my Mum was very good at organising days out in London involving some sort of gallery/museum and/or theatre. Although this was great, we'd have to plan weeks or months in advance so living in London means I have such a privilege of being able to wake up and think: I think I'll go to the Saatchi Gallery today! It's great!

Anyway, the exhibition was free (I still can't believe it!) but was unfortunately only on for a week so I can't urge you to go and see it but I took lots of photos!
It was a very interactive exhibition that gave the opportunity to witness the Hermes artisans crafting their famous masterpieces including the Hermes silk scarf, handbags, watches etc. They even talked through the process of what they were doing via a French-English translator which felt very authentic! It really gave me the chance to really appreciate the amount of time, precision, talent and patience that goes into each and every piece. I began to understand why they're so expensive.

Watch making
Holes are made in the gold then
the Diamonds are place on and
then wrapped in gold using
tweezers. No glue is used.
Diamonds - we were allowed to look through the telescope
and see how tiny and fiddly it looks!

Hand knitted jersey t-shirts
Hermes bags -
Demonstrating how to sew leather.

Hand sewing Hermes ties

Hermes Silk Scarves
The printing process -
Up to 46 (I think?) different printing screens
per colour can be used

Silk Screen Printing

Breaking down

The silk is scratched at with small tools to create a more
textured effect.

1 comment:

  1. Hello.
    Thank you . I love this event.
    I am an amateur of leatherworking from Ukraine, so very fascinated by the craftsmanship of Hermes maroquinerie artisans and enjoy every moment of their work.
    So I decided to ask you if possible please share any additional photos in any quality of Hermes leatherworkers and their works.

    Best Regards.
